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A links page at your Web site lists links to other Web sites with content similar to yours, or that would be of interest to your visitors. For example: If you have an emergency supply store, there are several cities and government agencies with excellent plans and ideas for emergency situations. These would be helpful links for your visitors.

A links page needs to be a helpful service, and should enhance the usefulness of your site. But links can take visitors away from you too. A links page needs to be located in your Web site after your visitor has viewed what you have to offer. If your visitor arrives at your Web site and is immediately given links to other Web sites, they may quickly leave without discovering what you have to offer.

A way to make sure your visitor doesn't actually leave your site when they link to another site is, the links can be set up so that the linked site is displayed in a new window. They'll still have the window open showing your Web site, and the newly loaded page will be in a different, separate window.

At the sites you're linked to, NetResult Web Marketing can request a link be placed to your Web site. This can help bring more visitors to you. Other sites where you are requesting a reciprocal link can be very selective in choosing a site to link to. So make sure your information would be of significant interest to your visitors before requesting a link.

A way to find other Web sites that you may be interested in having links to, or be linked from, is to go to a search engine and type in one of your keywords from your META tag, and then go to the top of the search result list. This will enable you to find Web sites of similar interest, which have an abundance of traffic.

If you build a useful links page, you can draw traffic to your site from your satisfied visitors, who will spread the good news about the help they received from visiting your site.

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