Affordability creates
accessibility. Henry Ford, who made the automobile affordable to the masses,
brought forth a transportation and production revolution. Political revolution,
also has been empowered when the individual was given value and a voice. True
societal changes only take place when their reach embodies the common people.
The World Wide Web is enabling similar changes to our worldtoday.
Due to the ability of
computerized graphics and Web pages, enabling the
transforming of imagination into physical reality
the proliferation of personal computers with affordable Internet
and the ability of multiple networks to be
linked together world-wide, the World Wide Web has exploded in popularity.
Johann Gutenberg, the
German printer (1398-1468) who is considered the inventor of movable type, was
voted as one of the most influential people of the millennium. This is because
his invention of the printing press enabled a quicker form of mass
communicationincreasing the ease and breadth of communicating.
The World Wide Web is
having the same effect in this new form of media. Text layout can be quickly
updated, and visual graphics are limited only by the bounds of ones' creative
imagination and technical skills. Adding the capability to span great distances
at low cost, with availability to the individual, a revolution in communication
has mushroomed throughout the world since the mid-1990's. These changes have
birthed a new wave of entrepreneurs. It's a day when the individual has a more
level playing field with the massive corporation. Opportunities are accessible
to all on the World Wide Web, and the opportunities are expanding as Internet
technologies continue to develop.
The World Wide Web is not
the same as the Internet. The World Wide Web is one type of software
system traversing through the Internet. The Internet is the hardware
of a giant computer network connecting millions of computers around the world.
It's a public network, although many of the computers connected to it are also
part of smaller private networks.
The Internet began with
four host computers in 1969. ARPANET (U.S. Advanced Research Projects Agency)
was designed to let researchers communicate and share information with each
other. Four computers were set up; at Stanford University, the University of
Utah, and the University of California, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. Then in
1972, ARPANET did a public demonstration revealing the possibilities of the
During the 70's, computer
technology miniaturization excelled, enabling the development of affordable
personal computers. As personal computer hardware and software continued to
develop during the 80's, so did networking system capabilities.
Then in 1991, Gopher, an
information retrieval tool developed at the University of Minnesota, having
lists of text became a major "browser" on the Internetand remains so for
people without a graphical interface. Also in 1991, CERN (the European
Laboratory for Particle Research) in Geneva, Switzerland, published the code
for the World Wide Web software system. The World Wide Web enabled different
networks, running on different operating systems, with different programming
languages, to transfer information through a maze of incompatible systems,
enabling users to read information receivedwithout it being scrambled.
In 1992, the U.S.
Government lifted the restriction to commercial use on the Internet, opening
the door to buying and selling in this new media. In late '92, members of the
NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications) in Urbana, Illinois,
were looking for a way to make the information on the Internet more accessible
to the average computer user. This search developed Mosaica user-friendly
browser with a graphical interface. Mosaic put a non-technical face to the Web
with visual appeal. Then in April '94, Mosaic was transformed into Netscape
Now in place, was the
commercial use of formerly only a research/informational network, a browser
bringing visual appeal and ease of use, and a software system enabling
thousands of incompatible networks to interact with each other. By 1995, the
World Wide Web was sending more packets of information than any other Internet
service. Since then, traffic on the Internet has been doubling every 100 days.
The Internet now spans over 100 countries and had 256.4 million people online
by the year 2000.
Internet Marketing is also
a developing phenomenon, changing at a pace as rapidly as the Internet itself.
Marketing is a creative, thoughtful type of endeavorit's not just sales.
Marketing is:
- Devising a strategy for
how to get people to come to a Web site
- How to get them to buy
once they've reached the Web site
- How to get them to
return to the Web site
Having a well-designed Web
site involves:
- A layout structure that
is easy to navigate through
- Information that
communicates clearly
- Appearance that is
interesting to view
A Web site is not a
billboard on the information superhighway. You can't build a site and assume
customers will automatically come. They must be brought to your site. This
involves a strategy of using the available tools of the Internet, and various
software solutions.
NetResult Web Marketing
can assist you in using the following Internet tools:
- Forum/Discussion
Group/Bulletin Board: An important way to use interactive Web pages is to
allow people to talk to each other. Use discussion groups for finding people
with similar interests. If people visit your site to be with other like-minded
people, then you've created an Internet community.
communities helps produce visitation, which improves your opportunities for
sales. Develop a community of interest, and the sales will follow. Your
discussion group members become salespeople for you, giving positive word of
mouth promotion.
With a discussion group at your site, visitors can
leave messages, which your staff or other visitors can answer. For example, if
you were promoting your handmade archery equipment, you could create a
discussion group where visitors talk about archery. You can have a discussion
group to answer questions on certain subjects, or even set up several groups
for different purposes.
- Live Chat Room:
With Live Java Chat your visitors interact in "real-time" discussions. Making
this service available can create interest in your site, increasing your Web
site traffic.
- Mailing List:
Create a mailing list by collecting the email address of visitors to your site.
It is best to ONLY use the email addresses of visitors who are knowingly
subscribing to your list. The penalties for sending unsolicited emails (spam)
are severe. Always give them the option to be removed from your list.
Mailing lists can slowly build a useful customer base for you. It's
good to begin with monthly, general emails, and specialize into several lists
as your customer's interests specialize.
- Autoresponders:
An autorespondersometimes known as a mail responder, or "vacation or
holiday replies"is an email program that sends an instant message
once any email is received at your POP account. When you see info@netresult.ws, it can be an autoresponder address.
Anyone emailing to that address will automatically get a custom message about
NetResult Web Marketing.
One way to solve the email deluge is to take
advantage of autoresponder software that responds to all incoming requests
stating that the question was received and estimating a time frame for how long
it will take to respond to the question.
- Tell-A-Friend
Announcer: Allow your Web site visitors to advertise your site. This easy
to use form conveniently invites others to visit your site to see its great
features. It also allows the form user to insert their own message.
- Links Page: A links page
having useful information can help bring people to your site. Information
promotes itself.
- Newsletter: Use
an electronic newsletter to bring people to your site. If you publish a paper
newsletter it can be published via email. This can build community interest
through your site, which may generate more sales.
- Newsgroups:
Participate in newsgroups, making others aware of your Web site.
- Internet credit card
transactions: This requires your business to have an
Internet Merchant
- Online Product
Sales: Use shopping cart software. A shopping cart is a series of forms
that buyers use to place an order online. This software allows visitors to
select products as they browse your online catalog. When the visitor has chosen
all the items they want, they go to a product summary form to complete the
purchase by entering their credit card information and shipping
NetResult Web Marketing offers a menu of shopping cart
services. Learn
- Create
Interactivity: Have a feedback page, where you can learn what your
customers think of your products. People can fill in a form on your feedback
page to send you their comments. You can do customer surveys, enabling
you to get new product ideas, and find the strengths and weaknesses in what you
offer. Use quizzes, and trivia games to generate interest and
obtain information.
Collect information from your visitors. The more
you learn about your visitors, the better you'll be at marketing to them. This
will enable you to place content at your site that's useful to your target
- Polls: Get
valuable feedback and create fun for your visitor at the same time!
- Greeting Card
Hosting: This service allows your Web site visitors to send and receive
greeting cards from your site. They can add custom images, music and much more
to each greeting card. When someone sends a greeting card, the recipient is
sent to your Web site to pick it up.
Generate new visitors to your site
with the gift that everyone likes. It's fast, fun, and a FREE
- SiteRing: Link
to sites with similar interests and gain visits from the type of people you
want coming to your site. This also provides a valuable search service to your
- FAQ Database:
Use a Frequently Asked Questions database to calm the concerns customers and
help them get the answers they need easily. No more srolling through pages of
information, with and FAQ database you provide a higher level of customer
Your database can have up to 20 categories, and list the
questions people have asked about your product/services. Your clients can use
the keyword search to examine the entire database, and if they can't find the
answer they need, they can email you directly from the FAQ database!
Also, you may want to create separate pages for questions regarding
credit card security, privacy and your return policies.
- Live Online Customer
Service: Customer satisfaction is created by providing efficient customer
service. Click-2-Talk and Human Click are two avenues where your site can excel
beyond competitors.
Click-2-Talk enables your Web site visitors, with
the click of a button, to call your telephone number via the Internet. Your
valued customers receive live customer service for FREE!
Human Click
gives your Web site visitors the current status if you're available for live
chat. If you're not online, they can send you a message. They can also page
you, and you can page them.
- Classified Ads:
On service-oriented sites, not offering retail items for sale, this is a good
source of repeat traffic. As long as your user policies are clear and enforced,
classified ads are a valuable user service that can generate much
- Off-line Product
Sales: You can provide coupons at your Web site.
- Search Engines and
Directories: NetResult Web Marketing can get your Web site listed at Directories and
registered with Search engines.
The Internet is often
perceived as a giant marketplace. But to optimize its usefulness, look at it as
a collection of many specialized markets. For example, your target audience may
be some of these: hikers, bikers, gardeners, antique collectors, baseball card
fans, sailing hobbyists, recipe traders, mothers, children, doctors, health
food seekers, real estate investors, or others. Online businesses need to
microfocus. Discern your market audience, then reach it with unique offerings
and personal service. By targeting your audience you can create a compelling
user experience, which has a direct tie to market competitiveness. NetResult
Web Marketing assists you in reaching your sphere of interest.
The World Wide Web is an
international entity. A Web site that relates only to a North American audience
may not give you the best performance. Your Web site may need to be
understandable to people who are not in the region where you live. This can
involve cultural research, depending on your purposes for your Web site. Most
of the world uses the metric system. Metric measurements may also need to be
included in your Web site, as well as shipping information for other countries.