A Web hosting company
sells space on a computer, which has server software for managing Web site
files. It provides a directory on a hard disk, and your Web pages are placed
there. NetResult Web Marketing can host your Web site as a virtual domain,
meaning your URL will look like this: www.yourdomainname.com, and can recommend an ISP if
NetResult Web Marketing
can also provide assistance in helping you select your domain name. The
available pool of dot-com addresses have been drying up, making it harder for
businesses to create a functional name for their domain. Find out today about
the new opportunities available to get
the domain name you
NetResult Web Marketing
can design your Web site and host it. See our Hosting Service for details.
Learn more about the
eCommerce solutions of NetResult Web
Marketing today.
The marketing tasks that
NetResult Web Marketing can perform to bring people to your Web site are as
- Search Engine
Optimization: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the science of enabling
your Web page(s) to achieve top rankings in search engine searches. NetResult
Web Marketing can find the top-ranking keywords for your site and incorporate
them into your Web page(s), enabling you to get top-rankings in searches. Get
an advantage over your competition with the SEO Popular Keyword Service
offered from NetResult Web Marketing.
- META Tags: Your
Web site will be built with META
tags designed so that search engines can catalog your Web pages, enabling
Web surfers to find your Web site according to its content.
- Page Titles:
Make sure your Web page titles are understandable. Some search engines place
the page title at the top of your listing; use the title as a link to your
page; or index the words used in the title.
- Page Content:
Design page content for search engine indexing. Some search engines look at the
first couple of lines on a page and collect them as a description of the page.
The page headings and beginning text are important for this reason.
- Links:
Establish reciprocal links with related Web sites.
- Link
Directories: Link Directories are Web sites with directories of links to
related Web sites. There are Link Directories to a variety of
subjectshealth, real estate, technology, etc.and NetResult Web
Marketing can place your link on Link Directories related to your
- Search Engine
Registration: NetResult Web Marketing will register your Web site by hand
to get your URL placed with the most popular search engines: Alta Vista, About,
AOL Search, AskJeeves, Direct Hit, Excite, FAST Search, Google, HotBot,
LookSmart, Lycos, MSN Search, Netscape Search, Open Directory, and
- Search engines
continue to change their policies and network alliances. In 2003, Yahoo!
purchased Overture, which had recently acquired FAST (a Norwegian search
company operating AllTheWeb.com) and AltaVista crawlers; Yahoo! also purchased
Inktomi, a major database used by several search engines. This gives Yahoo!
control of Overture, FAST, AltaVista and Inktomi. In 2004, Yahoo! discontinued
using Google for providing search results.
- Most of the above
sites now require registration fees to guarantee inclusion into their database,
or that they will even review your site. The fees are as follows:
- Yahoo!: A $299 annual, non-refundable fee is
required for business sites. Yahoo! Express will review your site within 7
business days. Yahoo! Express does not guarantee a listing in the Yahoo!
directory, nor does it guarantee the type of placement or description an
accepted site will receive. They only guarantee they will consider your
site for inclusion.
- The Open Directory:The Open Directory Project is a
human-operated directory which is also a data source for popular search engines
such as Google, AOL Search, Netscape Search, Alta Vista, HotBot, Lycos
and hundreds of others. This is a no-registration fee channel to get into
several of the most popular search engines.
- Business Network reaches more than 30 million unique
users a month. This network of partners includes: the Wall Street Journal
Online, About.com, Promo Magazine, Medical Meetings, FinancialTimes, AgriClick,
DeltaFarmPress, AutoWorld, ElectronicBusiness, UtilityBusiness, CBS
MarketWatch, HomeCare, WorkLife, Manufacturing.net, BusinessWeek,
ElectronicMusician, OnStage, Clubindustry, National Real Estate Investor,
CatalogAge, and many others.
- Having a $199
Standard Listings annual fee, your Web site is reviewed within 5 business days,
and allows you up to 5 links listed. With Standard Listings, your listing
appears alphabetically in search results; and is NOT shared in the partner
network; and there are no reports with Standard Listings.
- Get top
placement with Featured Listings. Featured Listing uses a Cost-Per-Click
program where you pay only for the traffic you receive (if someone clicks on
your URL in the search result). No $199 annual, but there is a 40 cent minimum
per click cost. With Featured Listings you also receive custom reports on your
click performance; and ARE included with all partners in this
- Register your Web site
with additional search sites. There are search engines in the U.S. and other
countries which may be of value in having your Web site listed.
- Locate search engines
that are focused on your area of interest, and have your site registered with
them. Like Qango-Auto World for automotive sites, Aviation Search Engine for
aviation and aerospace sites, DermGuide for skin health sites, BizWeb for
business sites, etc.
- Search Engine
Acceptance Check: Check your Web pages, adjusting the page title and META
tags to improve your listing.
- Newsgroup
Announcements: Announce your Web site at newsgroup announcement
- There are new product
announcement sites. If you have a new product to the market, it can be
announced there.
- There are mailing lists
and newsgroups that review products. If you have a specific product you're
promoting, a product review can be done by these groups.
- Interactive
Features: NetResult Web Marketing offers several
interactive features which can
draw new visitors to your site and enhance their experience when they are
The technologies of the
Internet continue to evolve rapidly, and keeping pace with the new
breakthroughs can be difficult. Therefore, technological expertise will involve
an in-depth understanding of current hardware and software solutions, new
technologies, Web site development, systems integration, and security issues. A
Web site project must be carefully planned and executed. This requires the
combination of a variety of skills.
These skills involve more
than just basic Web site design, and bring into focus the entire experience of
the Web visitorwhat they see, how they navigate, how they obtain
information, and how they will conduct transactions. Creating a compelling
user experience has a direct tie to market competitiveness. It also
involves the development of tasks that will steer traffic to your site.
Success is to attract an increasing number of visitors to a Web site and
make them repeat customers.
Incorporating all of these
elements in Web site development can be a considerable financial investment.
Plan your Web site production according to your budget. Design time,
marketing, and technology have bottom-line costs. In dealing with
this reality, NetResult Web Marketing endeavors to provide the highest quality
of services at affordable, competitive prices.
Along with making your Web
site project affordable and effective, NetResult Web Marketing intends to help
you learn how to use the resources of the Internet. Envision the possibilities
of what can be done with your Web site. Contact NetResult Web Marketing
today to setup your Web site project!